Commskills summative test, manageable but I felt that I could do better if I studied the interview portion. ):
A subcoms outing with Clarabel, Qianying, Shaun and Ivan last night. The desserts there were fantastic I could say, though I gave up at the second round cuz the chocolate fondue made me sick. O: HAHA, I love the waffles, and had two servings of it! Oh gosh. I think I'm avoiding chocolate for the next two weeks. ._.
A warm and heartful heart to heart talk with the few of them after the dessert buffet at some isolated place behind ion. I started becoming cautioned about almost everything ever since I stepped into TP, facing a scenario where people come and go until you have no one to talk to. But the heart to heart talk with them made me realise there are actually people who does cared. I was amused on how these friendships developed, and I felt really lucky to be part of the IG family, because I get to know those awesome people like them. ^_^ We pinpointed everybody's strength and weaknesses within 2 hours and then confessed our true moments that nobody ever knew. Touched to receive encouragement texts from Qian Ying and Clarabel after everything as I revealed my weakest side of me during the talk. I continued my conversation with Bel until 2am on whatsapp, which was the longest conversation ever with her.
Visited OYL today at SGH! It was quite a last minute though cuz she's not available tomorrow. Brought my sister rabbit to the hosp and exchanged it for Ling's brother rabbit. HAHA, cuz we got two of the same and decided to exchange together. Was really glad to see her getting back into shape day by day, and getting cheerful too! She stayed strong during this unbearable period, and it is something that I really have to learn from.
After 1 1/2 years, I could finally have a proper heart to heart talk with her. Our telepathy had never backslip, and it was still as strong as ever cuz our thinking and perception is forever the same. Even the way we lead our new life was almost the same as we both toned down so much in our new environment. :/
She's happy that I am the one who visited her most regularly and staying up for hours with her, but isnt that what friends are for? HAHA! So many random yet funny topics with her. The conversation just went on and on for 3 hours till I got to go..
and TADA!
Dad bought this for me for my 18th birthday present!! He initially wanted to buy me the $50 one but I decided to change my mind and picked a less expensive one. Hehe, and there it adds on to my collection. ^_^