Friday, July 29, 2011

Finally, we've submitted F&B. Finally, all the conflicts, unhappiness and guilt shall come to an end. Well, we're still friends. Don't ever let a stupid project affect everyone's mood, alright? Hahaha. Stayed back in school to chiong the finalised F&B just now. Submission time was 5pm, and we only left our tables to go and print at 4.30. Worst still, all the printing shop like xorex, basement library were all full of people queuing all the way out. Our ez-link cards didnt have so much money to print it in the library computers. Problem striked. We were like SHIT! Ran to Applied Science school's printing shop, finished printing at like 5.10? We spent $30+ on a report, can you imagine. ._. The thickness of our report can alr be compared to our lecture notes. Lols. After that, Ivan and I ran and ran and ran all the way from Applied Science to TCA just to hand in. Along the way, we saw so many sweating group of people, all just ran to submit the report as well. LOL! Sigh, be it we're late or not, we're gonna minus marks or not, it's alr over people. (: Woohoooo! After MacEcons submission on Tuesday, I am officially free from projects! Well, for this semester only but, I'm alr very satisfied. (x

I was listening to my shuffled itunes songs, and I heard a sentimental song...........