Friday, March 16, 2012

Results are out.
GPA dropped but I kind of expected it cuz I didn't even bother about my studies this semester. I have to thank myself that I still manage to stay in the 3. something range. Well overall, I'm gonna forget about sem 1.2 and start afresh in sem 2.1. (: Thinking positively makes me feel better in every single way.

Kind of estimated and aimed to earn about $800 this holiday so that I can buy my furnitures for my new room, new clothes, new accessories, new storybooks (The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks) and to give my mom a lovely birthday treat! I hope the joyful times I enjoyed in Marmalade Pantry will continue so that I could have the motivation to carry on working. ^_^

Anyway, can't wait to see my dear OYL and KN next week!! :D Too bad FL is going Taiwan and couldn't join us! Miss them soooo much (':

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

*Scream my lungs out*
Dad woke me up from my sleep excitedly in the aftenoon and told me that mom bought me sylvanian families from the OG! I thought she is just going to buy me the house BUT NO LOOK AT THE NUMBER OF SETS OF SYLVANIAN SHE BOUGHT!! OMG HAHAHAHAHA I got totally energised! It was the first time in life my mom is spending money on collections on me! She said it was for my 18th birthday present wheeeeeeee~! HAHA and surprisingly my dad didn't get angry at mom for spending such money but instead went excited with me. LOL! My sister was so jealous when she came home from work and kept questioning my mom why she didn't buy the sylvanian toy maker set for her. Hehehe. So greatful that OG is having storewide 30% discount. (': Mom told me not to open them first and wait for me to get a display cardboard from ikea before I display them (cuz my display cardboard is full alr) YAY I LOVE MY MUMMY AND DADDY! ^_^
Handover Camp.

I felt the urgent need to stop being such a scardy cat and stop avoiding failure because I can't be a better person without even learning how to. The past two nights were the hours I began to question myself on my ability to lead as I kept avoiding to try because I can't fail, and am always feeling that everyone is better than I am.

I've grown, I AM going to change.

Trash talk.
Every flaw that they pin pointed out was my lack of self confidence. But I'm glad that my dearest comm and the maincomm felt that I was capable, and I am a good friend to be with, though I was lacking in self confidence in stepping out because I was afraid of being detest of failure. I have to be more confident in order to become an outstanding tour guide right?!

All the maincomms were looking so stern as though they are going to eat me up anytime, and again throughout the whole interview every single maincomm was pin pointing my self confidence. But on the happier note I know all of them wanted me to be confident about myself and to tell them that I can hold onto any responsibility with full confidence. I screwed up the interview and I tried to save myself when the maincomms gave me a chance to at the end. Couldn't help but break down the minute I stepped into the waiting room and lucky Cindy and John quickly diverted my attention and everything that Sze Hui told us about how she became confident made me feel happier again!

Happier stuff ^^
HAHA felt that us subcoms became so much closer after this camp! :D I think we are almost 90% as bonded as the maincomms alr. Imagine 8 of us squeezed into two single sized beds and not care how tak glam we are in front of each other. We even used some of their legs as our pillow! LOL. Felt so family with them right now I am alr missing them! No matter how negative the maincomms felt about us, afterall us subcoms were the only ones who are the actual witnesses on every single one of our true identity, not them. As long as within us we know we ain't what the maincomms said and we're there for one another, what's there to be scared of!

Friday, March 9, 2012

So... I've decided to plan some confidence- boosting activities to build up my confidence during the holidays! Talked to Ivan and Minming about it last night and we've decided to go pulau ubin for some adventure trip! :D Feeling so excited cuz it's been so long since I've gone for an adventurous trip! Then maybe I should go for some high rope elements in Sentosa AND find a mountain to climb. (maybe rock climbing)


Anyways, first day of work today after so many #$%^&* months, and there're quite a few changes.
1) Unfamiliar faces
2) New dishes in the menu (and the truffle fries is tempting me so hard)
3) Marco became the supervisor!

But whereas the rest are still the same. ^_^ I'm totally happy today talking to the same old people I was once close with at Marmalade, and the best is everybody else still remembers me! Wheeeeee~ HAHA. Then when the head chef saw me, he immediately stared at my eyes to see if I've pasted my double eyelid sticker. ._. Anyways before that when I reported to Miel, she was like: OMG YOU CHANGED SO MUCH!

Then I kept thinking, which part of me changed? Fringe still the same, eyes still the same, nose still the same. Then at the later part Miel was like: Regina your face grew bigger! ZOMG, immediate devastation. T_T But she said I look nicer though. ^_^

Thursday, March 8, 2012

So.... I had a dream last night reflecting about the mountain climbing at Chiangmai 2 years back. I don't know if I'm dreaming or am I thinking sub-consciously when I'm trying to sleep but..

A snapshot during mountain climbing at Chiang Mai and that little village there is Myanmar. ^^

It somehow leads to me thinking back on my P5 camp hill climbing trip at Kunung Lambak hill, where I was so brave and able to climb up and down the slippery slopes so easily and so unafraid of heights but yet as I grew older it took me a quite a challenge climbing the mountain at Chiangmai and holding everyone back because I was so afraid of heights then. Hmm. :/ Self-confidence. Lacking.

I feel the need to try out mountain climbing again (or at least some high rope elements) to boost my confidence cuz it's getting more and more minimal as days passed. YES, holiday resolution maybe?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Celebrated Ivan and Minming's birthday on Monday! 
Had IG meeting in the morning, sort of the last meeting with the maincomms before we officially become maincomms after the handover came next week. Mixed feelings about that though. Kind of not prepared for the handover camp, hopefully it's not a scary one. O: 

Ohwells, the girls all wore dresses on that day! (Justine wore a semi-dress and she look so feminine hehehe) HAHA, main reason was to force Minming to wear the dress that Ivan and I bought for her, and Ivan got tortured to finish a durian puff but in the end he only took a small puny bite. -.- But it's okay! Went Ben and Jerry's to play cards! Candy and Chaowant both did a dare and it's so funny! Especially Chaowang cuz he had to stand in the middle of B&J and shout "i'm sexy and I know it" LOL! Strictly pancakes after that. Super gelart and full, but (Y) 

Out with Kelly today to town! :D
Went Marmalade Pantry to eat and get familiarise with the place again before we start work this week. Hehehe, I'm so happy that all of them is happy to see us, especially Fergie! HAHA, she started calling me kuku bird the moment she saw me and I called her nickname back. LOL. Hopefully everything will go smoothly on Friday when I start working cuz there are quite a few changes in the restaurant.

Went Far East to shop with Kelly after that. Talked, gossip and camwhored there too! Wanted to hunt for a new bag and shoe but I failed. ): Newton Circus Food Centre for dinner! Ivan joined us for dinz and the food is lovely! HAHA, but the sambal stingray and lala is so damn spicy I took longer than usual to finish my food. :/ Walked over to waffletown for some waffle dessert and Ivan helped me buy my bag from Gmarket. Yay so happy can't wait for my new bag. Hehe {:

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Had a great day with them! Haha, although the rain spoilt 1/3 of the plan, but I'm happy that we still did enjoy ourselves! Didn't get tanned cuz there wasn't sunlight at all. Wasted my sunblock. ): Played monkey, frisbee, catching and pepsi cola! HAHAHA, all the childhood games but it was fun and exciting! Too bad Candy and Haizel didn't come down to the water to join us or else it will be even more fun! HAHA!

Showered and left sentosa at around 7, then went back to vivo! Initially wanted to have dinner at soup spoon but it was full! So we split into two groups to buy dinner and I bought subway! It's been quite a while since I ate subway so I was quite contented. ^^ Sat at the open area and had dinner together, but Haizel, Jed and June spoilt it cuz they ate theirs at Burger King without taking away and joining us at the open area. ): But it's okay! Played cards! HAHA, murderer and the piggy game and it was so funny cuz Haizel kept on upgrading to the next level of pig cuz his reaction was always the slowest! The lovely clique surprised Minming, Ivan and I with a Birthday cake and a birthday song! (': Felt so touched cuz I thought I wouldn't celebrate my birthday anymore but yet I got a surprise from them!

Gonna cherish the massager cushion that the clique bought for us. Hehe, a good tool to use after a tiring day! (: 


I'm feeling really happy cuz I finally could go shopping with Ling after so many donkey months. 
City square- my house- bugis junction- bugis street- scape- cineleisure- 313- takashimaya- my house- city square. Almost 10 hours spent with her today really make me miss those days where we would go shopping and enjoy ourselves and don't care the amount of money we've spent. (': Made Jelly in the morning at my house and then Feng Ling and her mom joined us at Bugis and we had lunch together, Feng Ling's mom treat. Then went shopping at Bugis street and I wanted to buy shoe but I still can't find one that I really love! ): In the end I bought shorts again. LOL. Then Feng ling and her mom went home and we continued shopping. Because Ling have to eat and keep a record of what she eat in her food diary, I acc-ed her and I am so bloated right now cuz we had Ajisen, Ice cream and Yoshinoya! Haha, but I'm really glad she's eating again and hope she could go back to shape! ^^ The both of us went crazy at Taka looking at Sylvanian Families and she told me that she received 2 big sylvanian houses, ice cream wagon, donut set, kids nursery and many more. I feel so envy luh, cuz I've been wanting some of them but I can't afford it. ): Sigh but it's okay! 知足长命! I have to appreciate what I have right now. ^^