Saturday, March 3, 2012

Had a great day with them! Haha, although the rain spoilt 1/3 of the plan, but I'm happy that we still did enjoy ourselves! Didn't get tanned cuz there wasn't sunlight at all. Wasted my sunblock. ): Played monkey, frisbee, catching and pepsi cola! HAHAHA, all the childhood games but it was fun and exciting! Too bad Candy and Haizel didn't come down to the water to join us or else it will be even more fun! HAHA!

Showered and left sentosa at around 7, then went back to vivo! Initially wanted to have dinner at soup spoon but it was full! So we split into two groups to buy dinner and I bought subway! It's been quite a while since I ate subway so I was quite contented. ^^ Sat at the open area and had dinner together, but Haizel, Jed and June spoilt it cuz they ate theirs at Burger King without taking away and joining us at the open area. ): But it's okay! Played cards! HAHA, murderer and the piggy game and it was so funny cuz Haizel kept on upgrading to the next level of pig cuz his reaction was always the slowest! The lovely clique surprised Minming, Ivan and I with a Birthday cake and a birthday song! (': Felt so touched cuz I thought I wouldn't celebrate my birthday anymore but yet I got a surprise from them!

Gonna cherish the massager cushion that the clique bought for us. Hehe, a good tool to use after a tiring day! (: 


I'm feeling really happy cuz I finally could go shopping with Ling after so many donkey months. 
City square- my house- bugis junction- bugis street- scape- cineleisure- 313- takashimaya- my house- city square. Almost 10 hours spent with her today really make me miss those days where we would go shopping and enjoy ourselves and don't care the amount of money we've spent. (': Made Jelly in the morning at my house and then Feng Ling and her mom joined us at Bugis and we had lunch together, Feng Ling's mom treat. Then went shopping at Bugis street and I wanted to buy shoe but I still can't find one that I really love! ): In the end I bought shorts again. LOL. Then Feng ling and her mom went home and we continued shopping. Because Ling have to eat and keep a record of what she eat in her food diary, I acc-ed her and I am so bloated right now cuz we had Ajisen, Ice cream and Yoshinoya! Haha, but I'm really glad she's eating again and hope she could go back to shape! ^^ The both of us went crazy at Taka looking at Sylvanian Families and she told me that she received 2 big sylvanian houses, ice cream wagon, donut set, kids nursery and many more. I feel so envy luh, cuz I've been wanting some of them but I can't afford it. ): Sigh but it's okay! 知足长命! I have to appreciate what I have right now. ^^