Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Dinner at Carls Jr with subbies, FAT and Kok! 

Our roomxz! Though it is freaking small, it is really cozy, esp with all these dearies. (: (plusNerin the photographer) Night spent with them was really great man! We had heart to heart talks, funny jokes and Nerin even attacked me, attempting to pounce on me and such on the bed luh. And I was screaming for help all the way! Scary to sleep beside her man! HAHAHA! 

Our private function room, felt so honoured. Hehe. 

On our way to Westin Hotel, KL on Day 2! Slept through the journey cuz of the 3 pathetic hours of sleep the night before. 

Then back to the cruise in the evening, and had an "elegant night" at Bella Vista, fine dining restaurant! 

After dinner, we had a choco madness party at the swimming pool area. HAHA, it was totally madness. Lots of chocolatey food and mass dance! Everyone was super high on board, even those old aunty la, hahahaha! Then we went for this game show, and was kinda regretting cuz the game show was... sick. Basically it was for M18 luh, but we went in cuz even the kids went in. Halfway buay tahan, all of us were so disgusted and we went out halfway through the game. 

Then went up to the roof deck to celebrate Ze Jun's birthday! The wind was sooooo strong, and our dresses were flying luh! Had a tough time up deck cuz of our dresses, but it was damn funny! Ze Jun have to feed everyone with birthday cake and give everyone a piece of cream on their faces and I was trying to run away! In the end, I was still pulled. AND WE STARTED A CREAM FIGHT. HAHAHAH, MY FACE WAS SO OILY AND CREAMY AFTER THAT.  

At that night, three issues happened between us subbies. Well, not too much information but it ended off with a trash talk with the main comms at Pacific Coffee Club when we alighted the cruise in Singapore the next day. It was until this particular issue that FAT wanted me to speak up. It was really tough to speak up cuz I was really afraid of what would be the outcome. Brenda saw the worried me, and she tried to assure me that everything's ok. In the end, I spoke up, almost everything on what I have been keeping in my heart for so long. 

Then FAT had suggested all of us to post our names on the HTMIG wall and the rest will comment something about us. So touchy for everyone who wrote about me. (: Somehow or rather, I felt closer to IG now. HEHE. Especially towards my subbies! 


Yesterday, we had a subcoms video filming in school, and I was really overjoyed cuz it was FULL ATTANDANCE! Like at last yea. Started the video filming and it was freaking funny I swear! HAHAHA, I hope our publicity will succeed because of the video. (: Went orchard after that with the subbies, had cold stone, pastamania and shopping!

Today. Went to help out in laminating of the showcards for Run for Hope at Four Seasons hotel. Morning shift with Ivan, Qianying, Elaina, Shaun and Bong. Hahaha, it was a fun session, we played games while doing our work, and then slept when we're waiting for the laminating to be done. Hehe, so much fun! (: Had lunch with them, and then went to meet Marcus and MinMing. Polaroid spamming today man! OMG.

And yeap, this is how I spent my holiday. With work, with IG and with classmates. Holidays are ending real soon. Like in 5 days time? HAHAHA. Many things happened during this holiday, well I guess I've learnt many things from it. So... looking forward to next sem! (: