Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm so furious!
Its like other than the 2 As, I GOT ALL B+, which means it is at most only 5 marks away from A! Argh! I'm being very bothered about my total coursework grades that I don't know which subject I should start studying. Sigh. Now i'm left with comm skills results. I seriously hope I can get a B+. I can't afford a B only!

Anyway, I saw Ms Lee today at Parkway! I'm like super overjoyed can! Hehehe. She told me that she's unable to go back Broadrick cuz of the tight security. Like seriously, how can they treat a school like that, its like a prison can. ): Sigh. But I'm still feeling very unfair that my paper falls on teachers day, and I'm unable to go back to visit my lovable teachers. Sigh. Fate.