Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh yes, second day of work today. (:
Overall was fine, just that I really hated one of the senior employee there cuz she was so arrogant and looked down on new comers like me. Zzz. The water jugs and plates were damn heavy that my muscle ache so much though it's only the second day of work. :/ I wonder how I'm gonna survive in SSM module next year. Today was quite fun, cuz I was the food runner! Have to stay in the kitchen and wait for the chefs to cook, and then help them dry the utensils and bring it out. The chefs were funny, they're quite young and their malaysia accent is sooooo strong that I don't really understand what they're talking and they kept laughing at me cuz I replied unnecessarily. ._. My partner (die, i forgot his name) was a joker too man. But I guess he's quite unlucky to partner with me cuz I really really cannot memorise the table number and have to always ask him for help. LOL! But still, glad that I'm able to hide in the kitchen rather than going out and get scolding by arrogant staffs! :D