Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kartini left!!! OMG, I guess all the part timers are overjoyed because the "big mama" is finally gonna be transferred to other outlets. Haha, well for the time being, I know I will not get screamed at as long as I don't make any mistakes in front of the new manager. (: Qianying came today! Hahaha. KN and Fengling came today too! :D Went crumpler after work cuz Fengling wanna buy a bag there and we were on a "special mission". Went swensens for dinner and our conversations and laughters were so loud that I can see people staring at us from afar. LOL! Clarence and Qianying were at swensens eating too, and Clarence kept pointing middle finger at me. ._. Anyway our dinner was a happy one, until dessert time where our mood sank.  

My day today was actually fine, until someone ruined it badly. 

Words are free, you do not have to pay for what you've said. You claimed that you were offended by what she said, which is why you don't wanna meet us cuz you don't wanna see her. But your text message today was 100 times more hurting that hers, 100 times more offensive. So you mean we should just treat you as a stranger now? Anyway we have already tried our best to salvage this clique, to the extend that we've agreed to just move on without you.