Friday, February 10, 2012

Was doing BCS webpage and my group initially wanted to do a lil "cheating" by using the blogskin's HTML code to do our background. Its been so long since I've entered into that site, since now I've been using the blogger's layout. Had the feel to change my blog designs again, and decided to change my blog layout into a brighter one. Doggy Paws this time~

Family warmth. <3
Last night I was complaining to mom on how unlucky I'm feeling this few days and how badly I've screwed for my BCS test. She gave me a pat on my head and said she won't blame me if my GPA drops as long as I've did my best. (': I think sis overheard our conversation, so she came out of the room and told me to chill over not having my bursary cuz she will buy for me anything I want. ^_^

I think I need to start saving so I would be able to afford my new bookshelf and table when I move to sis's room. I should really start thinking of what job I should get during the holidays. Should I return to Marmalade Pantry? Or should I look for another one?