Saturday, November 12, 2011

Awww, how I wish Whisky could live with us. :/ 

Alright. This week is crazy for me, I swear. I've never expected myself to get so busy to the extend that I stepped home looking like a zombie every single night.

Projects, Commskills Submission, Unlimited flow of online quizes and individual submissions. On week one I was still complaining that having 3-4 hour break everyday in school is a waste of my time, but now I feel that it is not enouch cuz every single day during break I realise I was having project meetings and discussions. Not only that, I've reached home at 10pm for three consecutive days due to HaTaMa. I didnt quite realise it until one of the year 2 who helped us out as a first aider today during HaTaMa told me that sem 1.2 & 2.2 is the busiest semesters we have to go through. 

Tuesday was IG meeting on HaTaMa and we've got a harsh lecture on our performance for this sports event from our ex-maincom, Pearlyn. Somehow or rather I've woken up and I do realise we're still lacking in many things. And all we had left is 3 more days to the actual event. So we stayed back for almost everyday for meetings and discussions, wanting to prove them wrong and wanting to prove to them that we can actually do it. 

HaTaMa today. Okay I didn't quite know what to express my feelings towards this event but I've got to say that we are very unlucky. It rained heavily at the mist of the sports event. Everything was in chaos. Initially we took a gamble that it will not rain today, so we did not really focus on our wet weather program. But we were wrong. :/ We kind of waited for the rain to stop, while entertaining the participants and bringing thm refreshments. The rain stopped, so we moved back to the outdoor courts to continue, but it was not more than 15 minutes where it starts to drizzle, thunder and eventually rain again. -.- We've got no choice but to cancel the entire event. 


De-brief was scary, but at least we learnt. Anyway, well done to the I/Cs for HaTaMa! :D They are the ones who put in the most efforts for the event, sleeping late at night just to rush out the proposal etc.