Monday, November 21, 2011

For the last few months I've been trying to maintain a fair skin but I'M TANNED NOW.
But this time I'm not disheartened cuz many told me I look healthier with a tanned tone. (x

Hehe. Run For Hope yesterday, and we gotta report to East Coast Park at 5am for it. Overall, I feel that the event was quite a success, and I am really lucky to have marshals that are co-operative! If it weren't for the cooperative marshals that I had, I think I'll just die managing the whole group of 20 pax all by myself. Had lunch with the IG-ians at Pastamania after the event at Parkway! One kindsoul family actually brought 12 of us to parkway from East Coast Park! HAHAHA, it was a new experience to sit on a lorry with all the IG-ians! That afternoon I was so happy to the extend that I literally went crazy, esp in front of the maincomms! Oh my god. :x Was really tired after the lunch and everything, so Ivan and I decided to cab home, and we dropped Kelly at Kallang halfway through to meet her boypriend. The waiting-for-cab-time we had was damn funny la! I was laughing all the way through! Omg. But guess that, I wasn't tired anymore when I got home, and even went to see the Orchid exhibition with mom and dad at Marina Bay Sands! I was really stupid to wear slippers to MBS cuz I really looked stupid! But overall, good day yesterday! (Y)